
Welcome to A Prayer and A Pair!!!

I know I’m supposed to tell you all about who I am. That’s what an About page is for, right? To get to know me and this blog. 

But I gotta tell ya, sometimes I’m not quite sure. Mom brain does that to ya, huh?  

Some days I do wonder how I got here though; covered in spit up, desperately needing a pedicure, living off of coffee, and quite literally, A PRAYER!

A PRAYER that I’ll speak His love into the lives of my girls’ (Edith and Iris) and son (Owen). That despite not completely and entirely knowing exactly what I’m doing here, that God will direct my footsteps and guide me in this ministry of momming. I pray He gives me the words to say when I get frustrated, or when they get their feelings hurt, or they’re scared… I pray He shows me how to help guide them to the path He has for them. Most importantly, I pray that they come to know Him, love Him and trust Him the way I do. That they’ll come to know Him intimately and in doing so, will know who they are and love themselves with boldness, strength, courage and certainty. I want them to trust who they are in Him. I pray that I can be the example they need, the mom they need. I mean, hey, God did trust me with them, right?

And yep girl, I did say ministry because this IS a ministry! And it ain’t for the faint of heart.

I hope to show that! That we don’t have to have all the answers because HE does! That we are covered in the blood and given LOADS and LOOOAADDSS of grace!  

So, when you feel like you’re on the brink of a breakdown because no one gets it. I want you to know, I GET IT! I’m here for you! (EMAIL ME PLEASE!) and so is He. Most importantly, SO IS HE!

He sees you girl, covered in spit up, wishing you could throw a glass of water on your husband who naps peacefully on the couch while you’re trying to make lunch with the littles crying at your feet, I FEEL YOU, and He’s got you!

This is hard. Some days are just straight up not fun. 

But thank the Lord for our little blessings, am I right!?

I thank God daily for my little PAIR (Edith & Iris) and my Owen man. And my hubs Joshua who makes us a little parent/partnership pair. I mean, cup runneth over, blessings! 

Though, I am more than all of this. I know it’s possible to get so lost in momming that you kind of lose sense of who you are in the beginning, but we are, I am, more than just a mom. 

I am, Tori Falls, a dream chaser, a writer, CALLED by the Father. 

Little fact about me, for the longest I would tell myself, “You’re capable”. I believe this about myself. I don’t usually feel trapped or closed in, God has definitely blessed me with the ability to see life for all its possibilities. So, when I decide to do something, really go for something, I do. That’s just who I am. And now, this is me, going for it! Following God’s voice and running toward His plan for my life! 

I hope you join me in this! Because that’s the other part of A Prayer & A Pair, community! You and I laughing, crying and being women of God, mommas to our little, together! That’s my heart, to bring us together, in a space of understanding and freedom. Where no one passes judgement because HEY, we’re all there! I want to pray with you, drink coffee with you, share my failings and success with ya! And I want to hear all about yours too, so EMAIL ME GIRL! No for real, Torifalls17@gmail.com

Also, if you’re curious, I love coffee, cereal, Parks&Rec, going to the movies, reading all the books of all the movies I want to see, DIYing, baking, talking on the phone for hours with my mom who lives only an hour away, trying numerous potential hobbies, my amazing hubs and MOMMING! 

This is what you’ll find here, me telling and sharing all my up and down mommy moments, as well as God’s revelations and how I apply them to my life! 

And the occasional DIYs, mom hacks, baking and book reviews! 

Buckle up ladies, this’ll be fun!